Community Benefits
Texas Live! is committed to being a model for community-based development and ensuring that the project generates maximum benefits and opportunities for local residents and businesses.
3,025 Total Jobs
Creates 2,000 construction and 1,025 permanent jobs.
$2 Billion
$2 Billion in direct and indirect salaries during its first 40 years.
$100 Million
$100 Million per year in economic output to the City of Arlington and Tarrant County.
MWBE goal for the construction of the project.
Assist qualified local minority and women workers and apprentices to enter the region’s pool of skilled labor by promoting apprenticeship opportunities during construction.
Local and Diverse Workforce Hiring
Recruitment, training and employment policies will be implemented to achieve a diverse workforce at all levels of its organization.
Community Event Bookings
Assist the City in the event booking of College Park Center at the University of Texas at Arlington, as well as host community events year-round, many of which will be free to the public or in partnership with local charities.
Creation of a Community Advisory Committee
Establish a committee consisting of representatives from the City, appropriate community and civic organizations, non-profit organizations and colleges/universities.